Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What to do with Excess Safety Pins, Stretchy String, and Mismatched Beads

So if you have these:
Around 50 safety pins of the same size
About 1.5 feet of stretchy string
And a whole lot of beads

Then you can make this:

Optional Step 1: Dye The Safety Pins
Look through your vandalism stash for a can of black spray paint (or a color of your choice).
Go outside and protect the floor by laying out some newspaper.
Spread out the safety pins on the protected area.
SPRAY EM! (Don't forget to wait a bit for one side to dry and then flip all the pins over and spray the other side.)

Step 2: Bead the Pins
Once the paint is completely dry, adorn each pin with beads by "threading" beads through the sharp point.

Step 3: String the Beaded Pins (The Slightly Complicated Part)
After every pin has been fancied up to your liking, it's time to string them.
Each pin is strung through the clasp and the loop.
Make sure each pin's beaded side is facing the same direction but that clasp/loop orientation alternates between pins.
It is recommended that you begin at the center of the string...
Important: don't stretch the string. Leave enough stretching potential between each pin.
Tip: if you struggle with stringing through the clasp (as I did), string through the hollow section of the pin first and then drag the string into the clasp... you'll get it.

Step 4: Tie Up
In my excitement over finishing up the bracelet, I forgot to photograph this step, so bare with me. 
After you've strung all your pins (and checked if the length makes a good circumference for your wrist), 
tie up the two ends of the stretchy string separately to the their respective beginning points.
Double knot the two knots. Chop off the excess string. 

If you're successful, you should end up with something like this:

Step 5:...Wear Fashionably.


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